How can one update Cox Wi-Fi password and name?

By Technical support (other events)

Fri, Dec 4 2020 1:00 PM EDT Wed, Dec 5 2029 1:00 PM EDT

Follow the quick guide to update Cox Wi-Fi name and password

Nowadays, most of the users are switching to Wi-Fi services to access internet services including Cox Wi-Fi services. Indeed, the services offered by Cox are the finest, but few users might face some issues while accessing the services. Hence, to avoid any issues at the time of accessing internet services, the users are suggested to modify their network password and name. So, for the users who are not aware of the process, they can check out the details mentioned below.

How can one update Cox Wi-Fi password and name?

For the users who are looking for the details on how to Change cox Wi-Fi password and name, they can follow the procedure mentioned below and boost the security of their network.

Steps to update Cox Wi-Fi password

Initially, the user needs to connect their device to the ethernet. 
Now, launch the browser and enter the IP address of the Wi-Fi and proceed. 
After that, the user needs to login into their account and look for the Wi-Fi option. 
Then, click on the password option and edit the same to save the new password for the Cox Wi-Fi.

And in this way, the user can modify the password for their Cox Wi-Fi, but the users who are looking for information on how to Change Cox Wi-Fi name can follow the steps discussed below:

Begin the process by logging in to the Cox Wi-Fi account. 
Now, click on the primary network tab and proceed with the process.
Click on the network name and opt for the edit option. 
Further, the user can create a new password name and save the changes.

Besides, if the user fails o update the Wi-Fi password and name can contact Cox support for help.